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 Designing Smart Environments - Travel health for Jetlag

AirBean; A smart solution to getting jetlag symptoms while flying overseas. For this project working in teams of four, we were asked to explore opportunities and design challenges around the idea of an intelligent service to support the health theme. Picked the travel health theme and came up with many concepts creating this below chart. Used Speed Dating method to decide which way to go. Prepared in total of 10 idea sketches and talked to 5 people. In the end winning concept with the most positive feedback was a Jetlag Eliminator. 

What is Jetlag Anyway?

Jet lag is a misalignment of your inner body clock & the destination time zone. Jet travel across multiple time zones produces jet lag.

Symptoms include …

Travel fatigue 

Headaches & irritability

Stomach / digestion problems

Weakened immune system

How does this affect me?

Today’s travelers mostly fly based on the time zone they left, so when they arrive, they are off.

Surrounding lights, music, videos, getting up for others to go to the toilet all confuse your clock.

Long periods of exposure to lower pressure & inactivity lowers circulation [swelling].

The symptoms dissipate within a day or so as your clock gradually re-aligns.



I came up with the idea of "Smart Pods" for airplane travel that provide a personalized environment to adjust your inner clock so you don't get jetlag when you arrive to your destination.

Created Personas, wrote the problem statement and created a video story with all the narration and storytelling using of each screen with sketches and photos. We used our loved ones to act and narrate. 

Bob, in his mid 30s, married with 2 kids a marketing director in the fashion industry who frequently travels on business is health conscious struggles with jet lag interfering with his business he never seems to get the right amount of sleep so he gets headaches & becomes irritable he can't move around so he gets stiff and sore sometimes his feet swell and become painful even if he is healing from a cold, it just gets worse when he gets off the plane he is exhausted and slightly antisocial it means he is not at his best when he needs to be.


Some of the several ideas from my sketches...